Thursday, 7 November 2013

Improve System Performance in Windows Vista and 7

Almost all Windows users are aware of our Master Tutorial series which helps you in boosting overall system performance  and making your Windows faster. Following are the 3 tutorials which are part of this series:
  • Speed Up Windows XP- Master Tutorial to Make Windows XP Super Fast

Today in this tutorial, we are going to share another hidden secret trick which will help you in boosting your system performance. If you are a Windows Vista or 7 user, you should give it a try:
1. Type msconfig in Start Menu search box or RUN dialog box and press Enter.
2. Now go to "Boot" tab and click on "Advanced options..." button.
3. Enable "Number of processors:" option and select the correct no. of processors from drop-down list.
4. Click on "OK" button and then "Apply" it.
5. It'll require a restart and after reboot you'll notice improvement in system performance.

Tuesday, 5 November 2013

Unlock Huawei modem

To unlock the huawei modem for following steps its 100% working try it.

1. Disable all the antivirus before starting the process. Because most of antivirus detect CDMA Workshop as virus.

2. Plug your E1732 with any other operator sim and let it install its driver.

3. Now just Right click on your MY COMPUTER ICON and go to PROPERTIES . Select DEVICE MANAGER and go to Ports (COM - LPT) then you will see there something like HUAWEI Mobile Connect – 3G Application Interface (COM8) then com8 is your systems port number please note your port number.

4. Now Run CDMA Workshop.Exe and  Click on Main and select the com port number in COM Settings (AT mode) box.
5. Now click on the "Connect" button.

6. After getting connected click on "Read" button. 

 CDMA Workshop
7. Now Click on Security Tab and in Spc select Default (nv_read) as SPC and Type 000000 in blank box and click on Spc and you can see the pop up window click on SEND.
 CDMA Workshop
8. Now Just Navigate to Memory Tab - NV Items, And Click On Read you can see on pop up confirmation box now click on OK.
 CDMA Workshop
9. Now NV Items Backup box will appear > In the box straight to Last NV Item type 9999 and Click OK and Save the file by giving a file name you like (Eg: E1732Unlock etc.)

10. Now Download and Run Huawei Downgrader(Ex, E1732,E1550,etc,.) and Accept Terms and Condition and then Click On Next and it will read your modem let it be finish then it will show your modem data then click on Start.

11. In the process if you get message like update failure after downloading program. then don't worry and click on OK.

12. Then Again Come on CDMA Workshop and come on Main Tab and click on Disconnect and unplug your modem.

13. Now Again Plug your modem and Run CDMA Workshop and check and select Com port as we have done previously.

14. Then come on CDMA wokrshop and Select Com Port and click on Connect and navigate to Memory Tab - NV ITEMS - Click On Write and now you can see one confirm box click on OK. then Click on Open then browse and select the file which we have saved before.

15. When the process will reach at 100% you can see success message then click on OK and From Main Tab Disconnect your modem and you are Done.

16. Now Download CDMA Workshop.

This is latest version to download for click download button version 3.9.0. this version screen shots are,
CDMA Workshop  CDMA Workshop  CDMA Workshop  CDMA Workshop  
CDMA Workshop  CDMA Workshop  CDMA Workshop  CDMA Workshop 

Sunday, 3 November 2013

Convert FAT32 to NTFS Without Formatting or Losing Data

You have a flash drive or probably an external hard drive that currently has FAT32 file system and you want to change it to NTFS, because FAT32 does not support handling large files (over 4GB) or it is just simply old for your taste but there is just one problem, you don't want to lose your saved data. This article is for you then as it explains exactly how you can achieve seamless transition from FAT to NTFS without involving any data loss.


While it is generally recommended to use the NTFS file system because of its stability, security and lesser defragmentation time, most of us end up using FAT32 because that is what most disks are preformatted with. Unless, we notice the “Not enough disk space error” despite disk space being available, we don't bother to change the file system. Moreover, most of us don't change it because of the risk of losing important data and lack of time (read laziness). As Microsoft was aware of this scenario, they added a capability in the command prompt to overcome this by executing a simple command. There are many software that support this too but the Convert command is one of the easiest ways to do so. Follow the steps below to know how:-

Important: While this method works perfectly, I would still advise you to backup your data in case anything goes wrong.

FAT 32 to NTFS Conversion Steps

  • Go to Computer, and note the name of the drive whose file system you wish to convert.
  • Click on Start.
  • Type cmd in the search bar if you use Windows 7, Windows 8 or Windows Vista. If you use Windows XP, click on Run and then execute cmd.
  • Execute "chkdsk h: /f " (without quotes) where H is the letter of the drive to undergo conversion. This checks the drive for errors and fixes them automatically.
  • Execute "Convert H: /FS:NTFS" (without quotes). H is again the letter of the drive to be converted.
  • The command prompt will start the conversion process and after a few minutes, CMD will say that conversion was successful.
  • You can check it in the properties of the drive through right click<Properties.

Convert FAT to NTFS

This works on Windows 7, Windows XP, Windows 8 and Windows Vista. I converted my flash drive's file system using these steps and it worked flawlessly. It is interesting to note that this method cannot be used to reconvert NTFS file system back to FAT32. To reconvert back to FAT32, you will need to format the entire drive which will definitely cause data loss.

Notepad Tricks: Cool Notepad tricks for Windows

Notepad, the text editor that comes bundled in Windows is an excellent tool for text editing. But that is not the only thing for which notepad is famous. It is also famous for its tricks and hacks. Here is a roundup of some of the best and coolest tricks that you can try using Notepad.

Matrix Falling Code Effect - Notepad CMD (.BAT) Tricks

Inspired by the movie Matrix, this falling code trick is extremely popular on social networking websites. Copy and paste the code given below in Notepad and save the file as "Matrix.bat" or *.bat. 
@echo off
color 02
echo %random%%random%%random%%random%%random%%random%%random%%random%
goto tricks

Notepad tricks
Matrix Falling Code Effect - Notepad Trick

Upon running the bat file, you will see the "Matrix falling code" effect.

Make Your Keyboard Type (Any) Message Continuously-VBS Trick

This VBS trick can make any of your friend's keyboard type any message continuously. Open Notepad, copy the code given below and save the file as Tricks.vbs or *.vbs. You will need to restart your computer to stop this. Try this after closing all important programs.
 Set wshShell = wscript.CreateObject("WScript.Shell")
wscript.sleep 100
wshshell.sendkeys "This is a Virus. You have been infected."
Send this file to your friends as an email attachment to see the fun.

Notepad Virus

Create a Harmless Funny Virus with Notepad-Continuously eject CD/DVD drives

This VBS trick will create a code which will continuously eject all your connected Optical drives. If you put them back in, it will pop them out again. Copy this code and paste it in Notepad as Virus.vbs or *.vbs.
 Set oWMP = CreateObject("WMPlayer.OCX.7")
Set colCDROMs = oWMP.cdromCollection
if colCDROMs.Count >= 1 then
For i = 0 to colCDROMs.Count - 1
For i = 0 to colCDROMs.Count - 1
End If
wscript.sleep 5000
Double click to open this file and you will be impressed by this awesome trick.

Make a Personal Diary(Log) with Notepad (Easter Eggs)

Notepad Diary
Notepad Diary
You can use this trick to create a personal log with Notepad which will automatically include the current date and time before your note. To do so, open Notepad and type .LOG in capital letters and press Enter. Save the file. Now, every time you open this file, notepad will automatically insert the current time and date before the note. Just enter your note and save the file each time after making an entry.

All these Notepad tricks are totally harmless and would not harm your PC in any way.  To close any of the VBS trick given, open task manager and close the wscript.exe process. These tricks work on Windows 8, Windows 7, Windows Vista and Windows XP.

Watch ASCII Star Wars in Windows XP, Vista, 7 and 8

Every one of us has watched Star Wars on television, computer or in a theater. It is the same movie with aliens fighting each other for galaxies and such stuff. There is nothing new in it. But wait, have you watched an ASCII (American Standard Code for Information Interchange) version of Star Wars and that too in Windows using telnet? A network protocol known only to computer wizards. Well if you have not, then you must do it now!

There is a complete copy of Star Wars done entirely in ASCII characters that you can watch in the Windows operating system (or any OS that supports telnet). The only thing required to watch it is an internet connection; speed does not matter.

A Picture showing Star Wars in command prompt

To watch it on Windows XP, Mac OS X and Linux
  1. Go to Start, Run. (Only for Windows users)
  2. Now type "telnet" without the quotes and press Enter. Users of Mac OS X and Linux can directly execute this code in the terminal window.

On Windows 8, Windows 7 and Windows Vista

Telnet is turned off by default in the latest versions of Windows. So, in order to watch star wars, you must first enable telnet by going to Control Panel › Programs › Turn Windows Feature On or Off and ticking both the telnet check boxes. After doing that, follow the steps given below:-
  1. Go to Start, Search in Windows Vista and Windows 7. On Windows 8, open the main Start page.
  2. Type telnet and press Enter.
  3. In the following command prompt window, type "o" without quotes and press Enter.
  4. Now type "" without the quotes and press Enter.
If you do not need telnet anymore, you can turn it off.

A command prompt window like the one in the image will open with the movie being played in it. See the movie yourself. Did you enjoy watching this new version of Star Wars? Well, I did and know it for sure that you would have too.

Easy to Download Torrent Files with IDM

Torrent is today's most used system in the world. Torrent is used to download extremely large file from the internet. Torrent is actually depend upon Seeders and Leaches, if the seeders and leaches and few then the downloading speed of that torrent file will be very slow. There are many software's comes to download torrent files most famous among them is utorrent and Bittorrent. Torrent will become slow if you have low upload speed because torrent is uploading file as well when you are download any file.

In "Downloading" purpose, Internet Download Manager (IDM) use in a very large amount because of its speed and many useful functions. If you download the torrent file through Internet Download Manager (IDM), it will be download too fast with compare to utorrent or Bittorrent. Also it will never depend upon your Upload Speed. So without going to further details, lets discuss and know that how we can download torrent files with Internet Download Manager with maximum speed?

Steps to Download Torrent Files with IDM:
Step 1: 
  • Download any Torrent with torrent websites.
Step 2: 
  • Go to bellow link and click on "Upload Torrent" and Upload the Torrent file that you have downloaded from Torrent Website.
  • To Open site now Click Here
Step 3: 
  • After choosing file, click on "Go!" and then choose Free Download.
Step 4: 
  • After click on "Free Download", wait for a minute until your downloading is to be ready.
Step 5: 
  • When your downloading is ready, click on ".Zip" button to begin your downloading. Also you have multiple choice, you can download files one by one or anyone from torrent file.
Your download is starting when you click on ".Zip", If you Internet Download Manger is not opening when you click on zip, copy the Zip button link and paste it to Internet Download Manager

How it Work?
Using gives you access to the network which contains hundreds of thousands of movies and other videos, musical albums, books and applications.
Zbigz is a gateway between huge data storage (BitTorrent network) and you. You do not need to download and investigate complicated software. It is possible but Zbigz has already done it for you. Just input your search query or choose what you need from our regularly updated catalogue and download it!

What is BitTorrent network?

BitTorrent is a peer-to-peer file sharing protocol used for distributing large amounts of data. BitTorrent is one of the most common protocols for transferring large files, and it has been estimated that it accounted for roughly 27% to 55% of all Internet traffic. That's massive! It means that by using Zbigz you can simply download almost everything you need.

But doesn’t BitTorrent have disadvantages? Yes, but Zbigz overcome them.


To use the network you need to install some software. A fairly wide selection of different software is available. Some of them are good enough and quite simple but you do need to understand the basic working principles of BitTorrent and have some skills in network configuration (routers, firewalls etc.) to make it work really effectively.
Using Zbigz you will avoid this. We have already configured everything for you. You do not need to download or install anything.


Your favourite movie is in the network but it could be unavailable. This means that the “owner” is not connected to the network right now and you have to wait for his appearance. You have to be connected 24/7 to get what you want.
Our servers hunt without breaks. We will download it for you and notify you about it. You just need to login to your account and download it!


Using BitTorrent you are absolutely open. It means that everybody in the network knows about you and your activity. Everybody knows what, when and how many downloads you have made. It is one of the main principles of a BitTorrent network and nobody can avoid it using the usual ways.
When you use Zbigz you are shielded behind us. All your activity is on behalf of Zbigz. You are absolutely anonymous.

You can use Zbigz for free and even without (free) registration. You can try it right now.
There are some further opportunities for registered users and even more opportunities for Premium users.

Trick To Find User Surname Of Any Reliance Mobile Number

While searching on web for finding details of user of particular mobile number, I came across a website that can help you to get little information about that user. In this tutorial i will teach you to find surname of Reliance mobile number user in few simple steps. Basically this website is for recharge but it helps you to get information about user of that mobile number. So lets dive into it.
  •     Enter Mobile Number in Reliance Subscriber Number.
  •     Email address is optional so you don't need to enter.
  •     Done!!! 


Friday, 25 October 2013

Download Microsoft Product for original ISO format

Thousands of Microsoft products available with your subscription by searching or browsing for a product to download.
Click Download button and you can download all the Microsoft product original ISO file format.


Saturday, 5 October 2013

Create Windows 8 USB Bootable Pendrive For UEFI Boot

Earlier, with my old laptop in use and legacy BIOS, it was a piece of cake to format Windows using any kind of preferred media. I was never aware of this UEFI Boot Mode (Unified Extensible Firmware Interface) until I upgraded to Alienware 14x. Nowadays, most of the new laptop comes bundled with Windows 8 OEM but there are times when you might prefer a clean installation rather than a recovery.
Why Choose UEFI boot mode? UEFI boot is faster than the conventional BIOS boot. The problem with UEFI boot is that it will not detect your pendrive when created by Win7 USB/DVD Tool or any other tool. This is because UEFI boot only recognizes FAT 32 and will not show up NTFS Partitions during boot selection. USB boot creation tools will format the Pendrive in NTFS before loading Windows 8 Files on it.
  • Do Not try to perform clean install if you are not sure of what you are doing. For a basic user it’s really better to have the recovery partition. If you do not have an original Windows 8 Clean Installation Serial Key then do not remove Windows 8 OEM.  
Coming back to the topic, I decided to clean install Windows 8 with custom partition sizes and extract each Megabyte of space in recovery drives. Also, I wanted to dual boot Ubuntu using UEFI boot. So in this post I will Start with my experience, how did I proceed and what problems were faced. These tutorials will be given in parts and in proper sequence of the way I performed the tasks. And they are:
  1. Create Windows 8 USB Bootable Pendrive for UEFI Boot.
  2. Solve Windows 8 Clean Installation Product Key Do Not Match Problem.
  3. Error 0xC004C008: Cannot Activate Windows 8 Using Already Owned Serial Key on new PC.
  4. Dual Boot Windows 8 With Ubuntu 12.10 in UEFI Boot Mode.
So in this post, we will be focusing on creating UEFI USB Windows 8 bootable Pendrive. This is particularly helpful for people already using Windows 8 via update or Clean Installation with old BIOS ( legacy BIOS) but it was not the OEM version.
Once you are ready with the Pendrive (4GB atleast) and Installation ISO, jack it in and follow the given instructions. If you have an installation disk, then it can be used directly instead of ISO. Open Command Prompt and type:
  • diskpart.exe – This command will open diskpart in another CMD Window. Below commands will be typed in diskpart window.
  • list disk – With this Command you can view the list of storage devices. Select the pendrive, be careful!
  • select disk 1 – With this command you are selecting the your Pendrive. In my case its 1 but it may vary if you have more than one internal storage disks or several pendrives jacked in.
  • clean – Clean the selected partition.
  • create partition primary – Set the partition as primary.
  • select partition 1 – Select partition. Number depends on your disk usage.
  • active – Make the disk active.
  • format quick fs=fat32 – Format pendrive in fat 32.
  • assign – It will automatically assign a letter to drive. Check the drive letter. In my case it was I.
  • exit - This will the exit diskpart window.
Now that the pendrive is prepared, mount the ISO file. If you are already using Windows 8 then just right click on ISO image and directly mount it. You can use any mounting software for this purpose. Just notice the Mount Drive letter. In my case it was F. Now in CMD type:
  • xcopy F:\* I:\ /s /e
This command copies all contents of the ISO file to USB pendrive. Instead of using command prompt you can use 7 zip and extract the ISO file directly to the Pendrive. Now you are ready with UEFI bootable Windows 8 pendrive. Before you can start the process, Go to BIOS and disable Secure Boot. Reboot saving the changes and on next start up bring up the Boot media Selection menu. Now you will see the boot USB option under UEFI. Select it.
So this sums up tutorial 1. In the next tutorial, we will see how to Solve Windows 8 Clean Installation Product Key Do Not Match Problem. Key mismatch problem will be faced only by users with OEM Windows 8.

Solve Windows 8 Clean Installation Product Key Do Not Match Problem

In my previous post, I wrote about how to make a Windows 8 installation pendrive bootable in UEFI mode. Now, if you were on an old laptop with UEFI boot which did not came pre-installed with Windows 8 OEM then you are good to go. But if your system came pre-installed with Windows 8 OEM then you will be facing loads of trouble. Well, its not that of a mountain of troubles. Its just that people like me, who bought new laptops are not familiar with the new things that have been introduced. 
They may be called as new features or even logical restrictions from my point of view. OK, as a very basic home/office user I may be happy to use my laptop without making any sort of changes to it. Changes are with respect to hard disk partition, clean installation, dual booting with Linux etc. So whats the rescue when we fall in trouble? What if I need my custom partitions on hard disk and hate to see the recovery drive taking up almost 10 GB of my valuable hard disk space. The only answer that I could figure out was to play with all possible settings in BIOS and UEFI mode and keep trying.
  • Please DO NOT remove pre-installed Windows 8 OEM if you don’t have a genuine Windows 8 Serial Key separately. 
My ultimate aim was to dual boot Ubuntu 12.10. For the same purpose I had to perform a clean installation as Ubuntu was not appearing anywhere with Windows boot option. So, I needed a clean installation of Windows 8 with Secure boot disabled.
The experiences I gained after wondering on several forums and trying various methods myself will be presented in form of different tutorials as given below. There may be other optimized solutions but these steps are tested by me and they work.
  1. Create Windows 8 USB Bootable Pendrive for UEFI Boot.
  2. Solve Windows 8 Clean Installation Product Key Do Not Match Problem.
  3. Error 0xC004C008: Cannot Activate Windows 8 Using Already Owned Serial Key on new PC.
  4. Dual Boot Windows 8 With Ubuntu 12.10 in UEFI Boot Mode.
Tutorial 1 is good enough for people installing Windows 8 in UEFI separately (no pre-installed Windows 8). People with Windows 8 OEM will face a irritating error if they just make a Windows 8 UEFI bootable using Tutorial 1 and boot computer directly with it. The error is:
  • The product key entered does not match any of the Windows images available for installation. Enter a different product key
This error will just appear before you can even type your actual genuine Windows 8 serial key. there is no other option left other than cancelling the Installation. This error will occur in all new systems coming with pre-installed Windows 8. It does not matter at all whether you are booting from Legacy BIOS or UEFI.

Reason behind Windows 8 product key entered does not match error?

The reason is pretty simple. The serial key to the Pre-installed Windows 8 OEM is integrated within the BIOS. So whenever you are trying to clean install Windows 8, it will automatically seek the serial key in BIOS. Now, you have a retail Windows 8 copy and the serial key stored is for Windows 8 OEM. Hence the serial key Mismatch error.

Solve Windows 8 Clean Installation Product Key Do Not Match Problem

Solution to this problem is very simple. If you are booting in Legacy boot then you can use Win7 USB/DVD Tool else for UEFI boot use the steps in Tutorial 1. In either was you are getting a bootable Windows 8 pendrive. the only difference between them is that, one is in NTFS other one is in FAT 32.
What we need to do
We need to integrate our serial key within the Windows 8 Installation Itself. So that there is no need for checking the BIOS for serial key. Lets see how to do it.

  • Create a text file named PID.
  • Open it and enter the values as shown in figure below.
  • Here you need to replace the xxxx with your own serial key.
  • save the file and copy it to F:\sources. Where F is my bootable Windows 8 Pendrive.
The next time when you boot using the Pendrive, you will be able to perform clean installation of Windows 8. In the next tutorial I will be covering Error 0xC004C008 faced while activating Windows 8.


Cannot Activate Windows 8 Using Already Owned Legal Serial Key on New PC

If you have clean Installed Windows 8 on a new PC then activation might be a troublesome job. This case arises for two reasons when you are trying to activate Windows 8 on a new PC, using a key that you already used on other PC earlier. Another event when its likely to get an error is during applying an upgrade key to a fresh Windows 8 installation. Now, lets see in details what are these errors. How to identify and make an approach to solve them.
This post is the 3rd major problem that I faced after Installing Windows 8. Below is the sequence of events that I faced while Clean Installing Windows 8 on new PC which was pre-installed with Windows 8 OEM.
  1. Create Windows 8 USB Bootable Pendrive for UEFI Boot.
  2. Solve Windows 8 Clean Installation Product Key Do Not Match Problem.
  3. Error 0xC004C008: Cannot Activate Windows 8 Using Already Owned Serial Key on new PC.
  4. Dual Boot Windows 8 With Ubuntu 12.10 in UEFI Boot Mode.
  • Just after Installation of Windows 8, connect it to internet and check whether its activated or not. 

Windows 8 Fresh Installation Activation Errors

Commonly encountered Windows 8 activation error codes are:
  • Error 0xC004F061
  • Error 0xC004C008

Error Code 0xC004F061

Error Code 0xC004F061 states “You upgraded to Windows 8, but didn’t have a previous version of Windows installed“. If you encounter this error it means, you have purchased an upgrade key but you have entered it on a fresh Windows 8 installation.
The official solution to this problem is to install the base OS first and then upgrade it to Windows 8. For instance, if you had upgraded from Windows 7 ultimate then for a clean installation, first you have to install Windows 7 then again upgrade it to Windows 8 using your upgrade key.

Solution in Forum

While searching for a solution to this problem, I found it after digging Microsoft Support Forum. Follow the steps given below.
  1. Run the registry editor. press WIN+R then type regedit.
  2. Navigate to the following Key entery: HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\Setup\OOBE.
  3. Change the value for ‘MediaBootInstall‘ from 1 to 0.
  4. Open an elevated command prompt. This can be done by opening command prompt as admin.
  5. Run the command: slmgr -rearm.
  6. Reboot system.
  • I have not tried this trick personally as I did not face this activation error. Many of the forum people have confirmed that this trick works. 

Error Code 0xC004C008

Error Code 0xC004C008 states “One copy of Windows might have been installed on multiple PCs“. Well, this is the problem I faced. Logically it’s explainable that the product key we are buying is only meant to be used on one PC. At the same time there are few things that don’t go well with the logic. To understand this, lets take a look at the things I did to reach the destination Error 0xC004C008.
  • Bought a new laptop and completely removed Windows 8 from old one by clean installation of Windows 7.
  • Performed clean Installation of Windows 8 Pro with my Previous genuine product key.
  • After Clean installation of Windows 8, found it was not activated.
What is the solution to Error 0xC004C008?
Practically, I haven’t found any solution yet! But there are few things that you can try to get back your activation.
  1. Disconnect Internet and try Phone Activation.
  2. Call Microsoft Customer Care and let them know the trouble you are facing.
My Experience performing the above steps
Phone Activation didn’t work. After entering all the details, I always got to heard the same automated error ” Technical error, Please try Later”. Gave up hope and tried to call Customer Care.
Well, that’s another painful experience worth half a day’s time. Called them nearly 20 times out of which 3 were attended and once had complete conversation without disconnecting. The customer service directly told that I need to install previous Windows first and then upgrade to Windows 8.  But this was not my real problem. I tried to tell them my error code still there was no positive response. So it was clear that they are not even trying to help, except practicing their parrot speech. Particular Representative was even not sure about the upgrade Prices.
Above was the call in which I had a complete conversation. In the previous call attempt, told the same things to the customer care representative, she asked for my serial key and was on the way  to give me phone activation (or whatever) but the call went blank, though I was in full coverage area. From the call experience I have 2 questions for Microsoft:
  1. How can 2 different Customer Care Representative say 2 different things, when my problem is the same! ?
  2. Before the Customer Care Representative starts the conversation, they collect our details along with phone n.o. Why the hell do you collect phone numbers if you cannot call back when a call has abruptly ended between an important conversation?
After this I didn’t have enough stamina left to call again and test my luck. Tried the same product key on my old laptop again after performing a Windows 8 clean installation and it worked like a charm.

What Actions can take away Windows 8 Activation?

  • If you are using Windows 8 on 1 PC then forever you have to use it on the same PC.
  • Even upgrading the hardware of a PC might take away Windows 8 activation (according to many users on MS forum).
  • Fresh Formatting a new PC with OEM Windows8. Many manufacturers are not providing Windows 8 installation Disk.
At this moment, I can only say that situations are not that favorable for an authentic Windows 8 user. After investing your hard earned money you wont like to get restricted by simple things like this. Obviously this goes for a user who loves to try different things on his PC. For a basic user its OK, as they may prefer being stable without performing any stunts, for instance, trying to full format Hard disk and remove recovery partitions.
Do let us know if you successfully solved Error 0xC004C008 and activated your copy of Windows 8 PRO.

Error Code 0x8024001E on windows 8

While you are attempting to install or update an app in Windows 8, you may get the error 0x8024001e similar to the following message:
Something happened and this app couldn't be installed. Please try again. Error code: 0x8024001e
To fix the Windows 8 error 0x8024001e, try these steps below: 
  1. Uninstall and reinstall the app that you want to. If the error still exits, go to step 2. 
  2. Press the "Windows + C" to activate the charms menu, and click the "search". 
  3. Click the "settings", and type "location", and then choose "Allow apps to use my location".
  4. Open the "Allow apps to use my location". 
  5. Press the "Windows + C" to activate the charms menu and click the "search" again. 
  6. Click the "settings", and type "location", and then choose "change location". 
  7. Change the "Home location". 
  8. Restart your computer, and then reinstall the app that you want to.

Error Code 0x800F0906 on windows 8

While installing the Microsoft .NET Framework 3.5 on Windows 8, you may receive the error code 0x800f0906 like the following message:
Windows couldn't complete the requested changes. 
Windows couldn't connect to the Internet to download necessary files. Make sure you are connected to the Internet, and press "Retry" to try again. 
Error code: 0x800F0906 
This issue was usually caused by network, proxy, or firewall failures. To fix the error, try the following steps: 
  1. Open "My computer" on the desktop. 
  2. Insert the Windows 8 installation media, right-click on the Windows 8 client ISO. 
  3. Click the "Start" button, and type "cmd" in the search box. 
  4. run the following command: In the command prompt, type "Dism /online /enable-feature /featurename:NetFx3 /All /Source::\sources\sxs /LimitAccess" and press Enter. Eject the Windows 8 client ISO, and install Windows Live component.
  5. Click the "Start" button, and click "All Programs", and then click "Windows Update". 
  6. Restart your computer and install the Microsoft .NET Framework 3.5 again.

Error Code 0xC00000E9 on windows 8

While you are attempting to install Windows 8, you may get the Windows 8 error code 0xc00000e9 similar to the following message:
There was a problem with a device connected to your PC
An unexpected I/O error has occurred.
Error code: 0xc00000e9
This problem can happen when a removable storage device is removed while it’s in use or is failing. Properly connecting any removable storage and restarting your PC may fix this problem.
If you want to fix the error, try these steps given below:
  1. Remove any recent changes to the system prior to the error.
  2. Try Window recover from the following site:
    you can click here
  3. Click the "Start" button, and type "cmd" in the search box.
  4. In the new Command windows, type "C:" and press Enter, type "chkdsk /r" and press Enter.
  5. Go to the computer manufacturer's website to update the computer BIOS to the latest version.
  6. Replace storage media and restart your computer.

  • Go to the computer manufacturer's website to update the computer BIOS to the latest version.
  • Replace storage media and restart your computer.
  • - See more at:
